Vestegnens Kraftvarmeselskab I/S, also known as VEKS, was established in 1984 with the aim of utilizing surplus heat generated from combined heat and power (CHP) plants as well as from waste incineration plants and major industrial enterprises. Utilizing surplus heat under the VEKS system means much lower fuel consumption.
VEKS’ district heating system
A total of 135km twin pipes have been laid with 14 pumping stations and 56 heat exchange stations transmitting heat to the local district heating systems. The majority of the heat is supplied to VEKS from Avedøre CHP plant and the other CHP plants in Copenhagen and from the waste incineration plants ARGO and Vestforbrænding. The transmission system is controlled, adjusted and monitored from a 24-hour manned operations centre located in VEKS’ headquarters in Albertslund. The reliability of supply is high in the area, with 29 local boiler stations being used as reserves and for peak load during particularly cold spells.
VEKS Transmission supplies 19 local district heating companies with heat in Vestegnen. The local district heating companies manage the redistribution to private customers, business customers and institutions. The heat supplied is equal to the consumption of 170,000 families.
VEKS participates with an ownership interest of 1/3 as partner in Hovedstadens Geotermiske Selskab (HGS) together with CTR and HOFOR. On a franchise basis, HGS manages the examination of the pos-sibilities of generating geothermal heat through a geothermal test plant in Amager.
Køge CHP Plant produces electricity for the grid, steam for Junckers Industrier A/S and sells (in-ternally) district heating to VEKS Transmission.
VEKS Gasmotor in Solrød was established in December 2015 and produces electricity for the grid and district heating for VEKS Transmission based on biogas delivered from Solrød Biogas A/S.
Køge District Heating handles the distribution of district heating to private consumers, business customers and institutions in Køge. The heat is purchased internally from VEKS Transmission.
Tranegilde District Heating (TFV) handles the distribution of district heating to customers in Trane-gilde’s industrial area in Ishøj and Greve. The heat is purchased internally from VEKS Transmission.